Supported Diseases – Caring Voice Disease Funding – 2022 Update

Although Caring Voice’s Diseases funding program is permanently discontinued, we have received countless emails enquiring about the same. We are overwhelmed at the sheer volume of inquiries and at the same time, devastated that we have been unable to find a sustainable avenue to continue offering disease funding.

However, due to our various personal commitments, we are at times unable to reply to each and every email. Sometimes, this results in multiple emails from distraught readers. We understand the pain that you might be experiencing and hence, we decided to set up this page to help answer all your doubts.

What was Caring Voice’s goal through Disease Funding?

Caring Voice has helped to pay for life-saving medical treatments of people who are unable to pay for it by themselves. We have also contributed towards expensive insurance co-pays when applicable. When this service was active, we offered patients with chronic illnesses, their caregivers, and their families financial help as applicable.

However, it was not limited to financial help. A lot of times, it was also emotional support or just guidance about the best possible options for their specific conditions. In case we were unable to offer support ourselves, we would point them in the right direction so that they could promptly seek alternative avenues of funding, rather than wasting precious time searching for the same.

This is not the most perfect delivery model, mind you. We were aware of it even when we offered the program. However, it was agreed upon after a lot of careful consideration. Through the countless emails that we have received, we have realized that this was the only possible avenue for thousands of our benefactors who otherwise faced the mountainous task of securing funding for debilitating conditions.

We strived to perform that duty to the best of our ability. Our focus has always been on the patient.

What we aimed to resolve?

A lot of chronic conditions, that sadly are becoming increasingly commonplace are also prohibitively costly for millions of people on earth. An unexpected diagnosis often throws life out of whack and patients are left scampering for options with limited financial help.

Caring Voice disease funding was set up to assist such patients who reached out to us for their medication/treatment expenses, as they were unable to secure funding from elsewhere.

Which Diseases did we support?

We’ve identified the following diseases through an independent process that was conducted in-house, and based on the countless requests that we received.

  • Bile acid deficiency
  • Chronic granulomatous disease (FUND CLOSED)
  • Chronic pain
  • Complex partial seizures
  • Cushing syndrome (Non-financial only)
  • Cutaneous lymphoma (FUND CLOSED)
  • Factor XIII deficiency
  • Gaucher’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Infantile spasms
  • Kidney stones
  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
  • Narcolepsy
  • Orthostatic hypotension
  • Phelan-McDermid syndrome (Travel Program)
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Thalassemia syndromes

Are these the only diseases covered?

At the time that we discontinued disease funds, yes. These were the only conditions that we offered help towards. However, at times we have also helped secure financial aid for conditions that are not listed here.

When will your financial support program reopen?

As of now, we have been unable to find a sustainable charitable donation model to be able to continue offering financial aid. We don’t foresee opening this program at least until 2024. If you would like to stay updated about when we open this or accept applications for funding, please subscribe to our newsletter.