D-Bal Max Review 2021 – Unleash the Hulk Hidden Inside You!

After tons of emails demanding a D-Bal Max Review, the Caring Voice team finally has it for you. Just like some of our recent blog additions, today, we review the upgrade to the most potent mass building legal steroid that has ever been produced in the health supplements industry.

We are talking about D-Bal Max, the successor to D-Bal.

The first question that we are asked is, how do you better something as potent as D-Bal? It is undoubtedly one of the closest natural supplements to anabolic steroids.

Well, the manufacturers took D-Bal and threw the entire kitchen sink at it. They amped up the concentrations, they increased the number of active ingredients, they stacked more products than they had ever done in a single supplement, ever before.

Bingo! The result is D-Bal Max, the single steroid that is probably as good as a combination of Dianabol and Anadrol clubbed together.

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Today we will unravel our D-Bal Max review for you. Here’s what we will touch upon.

  • What are the claims about D-Bal Max?
  • What are the actual benefits?
  • What are the ingredients?
  • How do you take it?
  • Real world D-Bal Max results
  • Is it really as effective as Dianabol?
  • D-Bal Max vs. Dianabol Compared
  • Are there any alternatives to D-Bal Max?
  • Dosage Protocols

Hang in there while we unravel the D-Bal Max mystery once and for all.

What Are The Claims & Benefits About D-Bal Max?

d-bal max

For a supplement with a history like D-Bal Max, the claims are surprisingly tepid. There are no exaggerated claims like ‘Gain 40 lb. in 8-weeks’, as we saw on some SARMS websites on the internet.

Instead, D-Bal Max just claims that you can get max muscle, max strength, and max performance, all three very legit claims, aren’t they?

The next claim that they make is that you can get the performance of an anabolic steroid without the risks that come with it. Once again, nothing out of the ordinary in that claim. It’s as legit as they get. We all know that legal steroids are immensely powerful supplements. But they are natural and do not cause even 1% of the side effects of steroid use.

These claims about the likely results that can be achieved with D-Bal Max are not exaggerated. They just show that it can boost certain biological processes within the body that result in muscle growth and strength enhancement.

Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of using D-Bal Max. These can be divided into three primary benefits.

  • Amplifies the rate of protein synthesis in your body. Protein synthesis in natural athletes is painstakingly slow. Besides, our body automatically caps the amount of muscle that it can produce, for obvious reasons. Your heart too is a muscle and without a cap on it, your heart can get enlarged too. Something that occurs frequently with steroid use. D-Bal max helps you surpass this limit ever so slightly, with no negative cardiac effects.
  • Amplifies the rate of recovery, which in turn increases your strength. How do anabolic steroids increase strength? One of the ways is by increasing the rate of recovery. When your muscles undergo stress, they form microscopic tears or ruptures. The body normally recovers very slowly. But when it does, these tears heal and make your muscles stronger. With D-Bal max, this process is amplified at the speed of 10x. Think of it as priming your body for repair 24/7. Even when you are fast asleep, your body is repairing, healing, rejuvenating, and hence, getting stronger.
  • D-Bal Max only contains 100% safe and natural ingredients though. They do not have any side effects, unlike other supplements that can cause harm over time.

D-Bal Max is a terrific product if you want to build muscle and strength, or if your goal is to retain the amazing gains that you made with your steroid cycle (real gear) and you are currently transitioning between cycles after a PCT.

This is one of the most difficult phases even for pro bodybuilders. How do you not lose muscle when you have just stopped using steroids? D-Bal Max solves that problem.

That said, if you are looking for a miracle supplement, D-Bal Max is not for you. If your lifestyle doesn’t include regular exercise or eating the necessary macros, you are wasting your time and money.

We will now describe D-Bal Max’s core functions and their impact on your results.

Nitrogen Retention – The Building Block Of Anabolism

There’s so much noise about hormones on the internet that people fail to realize that it is the biological effects of these hormones that matter, more than the hormones themselves.

With D-Bal Max, you get one of the most important effects that single handedly can transform your entire physique. This is Nitrogen Balance.

A positive nitrogen balance is one of the most important physical states for building muscle. Your body can retain more nitrogen, which in turn allows it to use protein more effectively. In a nutshell, you will have more protein for muscle development. Even surplus protein that your body consumes will be utilized to its max potential. This results in faster gains and more gains.

This seemingly simple biological process is the key, which D-Bal Max is based on. The underrated powerhouse behind building massive muscle. That’s why the supplement is so effective too, that people automatically compare it with a stack of Dianabol and Anadrol.

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Is D-Bal Max Really Effective?

Although there are no studies available on the official website D-Bal Max, the large number of positive reviews and testimonials that can be found on messaging boards and bodybuilding websites is all the testimony you need really.

That’s not all. We have done some personal runs of D-Bal Max too for our clients and based on these, we can vouch for the fact that this is a 100% effective supplement for gaining muscle mass.

CrazyBulk has done extensive research on each ingredient as well as the blend to determine the best dosage to maximize results. Users don’t have to indulge in trial and error, or guesswork. The formula is comprehensive and very effective.

Most athletes are amazed at the surge in endurance and the strength increases that they may have never felt before. This allows them to push themselves that much harder during the most intense workouts, and achieve results at a much quicker pace than was ever possible before. If you monitor your body composition closely, you will notice that D-Bal Max also increases the rate at which your body burns fat.

What makes it so popular is the formula. Bodybuilders, as well as recreational athletes, have used whey protein for years and years. It is the most trusted supplement that anybody in the world can use to increase their muscle mass and strength. D-Bal Max contains a concentrated form of whey protein, which makes it 10x more potent than the standard version.

Also, if you hate gulping whey supplements (we personally do), then D-Bal Max is your ticket. It’s Whey in a pill. So effective is the blend that there are a number of users who have compared D-Bal Max with Dianabol.

D-Bal Max VS. Dianabol Compared – Will It Cause Bloat?

This is probably the part that you all were eagerly waiting for.

How does D-Bal Max fare when you compare it with the famous pink pill? The D-Bomb, Lady Diana, or D-50? Let’s take an objective look at it.

Dianabol is a fast mass gainer steroid for sure. But Dianabol gains are primarily made up of water, glycogen, and muscle. It is what is called ‘Wet Gains’ in steroid lingo. This has given rise to another misconception, this time surrounding D-Bal Max.

There’s a common misconception that D-Bal Max will turn you into a water balloon. That’s not true at all. The amount of water that your body holds after a D-Bal Max cycle is not too extreme. Unless you stretch the envelope and take excessively high doses and run it for insane lengths, you are not going to bloat.

Yes, water retention can cause some minor bloating, and as a result, your muscles appear more round, than hard. But is that really a problem? Ask someone who has struggled to gain even 5 lb of muscle in their lifetime, whether they mind gaining a little water with their muscle. They would happily live with that.

If you take D-Bal Max in the recommended doses, any water retention that you notice will mostly be intracellular, which means stored inside your cells. This is actually beneficial because it makes your muscles appear fuller. A bonus benefit is that the more water you carry at an intracellular level, the stronger you become.

That said, how much gains will you make on Dianabol vs. D-Bal Max? This is as individualistic as everything else. But here are some ballpark numbers that we have crunched for you.

  • 8 Week Dianabol Cycle = 20 Pounds
  • 12-week D-Bal Max cycle = 20 Pounds

Will You Lose Weight After Stopping D-Bal Max?

After you stop using D-Bal Max, you will most likely lose between 2-6 lbs. of water weight.

But please note that this is water that you would have lost anyway. Your body has no purpose to hold on to it. If you just hold water for no reason, it can cause high blood pressure.

What you should be more concerned about is how much muscle you keep. That will be determined by how hard you lift even after stopping D-Bal Max. Sure, there will be some dip in intensity. But if you are vigilant about your diet and your lifts, there’s no reason why you should not be able to retain your muscle.

For instance, let’s assume that you gained 30lbs of lean muscle during your first D-Bal Max cycle. Then you lost 8 lbs. of water after your cycle is over. You are left with 22 lbs. of permanent muscle tissue. It’s up to you how you maintain it.

D-Bal Max can

  • Help a hard gainer gain a fair bit of size.
  • Help a regular athlete look like a pro bodybuilder
  • Help a pro bodybuilder look the biggest they’ve been.

How To Maximize Your Gains With D-Bal Max?

Ideally, you just need to eat, lift, rest and take D-Bal max in the recommended dosage. That’s all that’s required for 90% of the population.

But what if you are not satisfied with the results? What if you are the remaining 10%?

Some users make the most out of their D-Bal Max cycles by stacking them with other bulking steroids. When speaking of Dianabol, one name that constantly pops up is that of Arnie Schwarzenegger. But he was most likely also taking Deca Durabolin along with Primo and other steroids. So if your aim is to get huge, you can stack D-Bal Max with some potent legal steroids.

D-Bal Max Ingredients

d-bal max ingredients

D-Bal Max is an effective combination of powerful ingredients that each play a role in muscle growth after exercise. It is a simple, yet powerful formula. There are only three ingredients and each of them is crucial to the function of the supplement. No fillers are used here.

Each capsule contains the following ingredients:

  • Whey Protein Complex
  • Pro BCAA Complex
  • 20-Hydroxyecdysterone

Let’s take a closer look at each one of these ingredients to discover their unique benefits.

  • Whey Protein Complex

CrazyBulk chose to use the concentrated form instead of the isolate that’s commonly used in supplements. The results are even better, with the complex concentrated form being slightly better positioned to provide sustained nutrition to your starved muscle tissue. Also, an added perk is that the complex version contains slightly more leucine than the isolated version. Science says that Whey with leucine is way more beneficial than standard whey, especially when the focus is on anabolism and fast gaining muscle mass.

Whey Protein Complex is an easy-digesting ingredient that supplies the protein building blocks D-Bal Max requires to kick start the muscle building process. An added benefit stems from the fact that D-Bal Max contains a pro BCAA complex. Did you know that clinical studies reveal that Whey Protein Complex with BCAA is the key to anabolism in the body post exercise?

  • BCAA Complex

Branched Chain Amino acids are the second cog in the important wheel that is building muscle tissue. These vital micronutrients are critical if you are looking to get that beefed frame in a short span of time. But their range of benefits is not limited to muscle building.

They can positively influence every aspect of your training. Numerous studies have shown that BCAAs amplify your strength, energy levels, and resistance to workout fatigue. They also increase protein synthesis by the way, which makes them doubly effective when used with Whey.

Lastly, BCAA complex provides energy to your muscles allowing you to train at max intensity. They have been shown to decrease muscle soreness and also support fat burning.

The BCAA complex in D-Bal max can also help replenish the lost amino acids, which are impossible to refuel through food alone.

  • 20-Hydroxyecdysterone

This naturally occurring plant extract has such powerful anabolic effects that the WADA is considering banning it. It will kick start your muscle gains by increasing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and muscle ATP. A clinical study conducted on 20-Hydroxyecdysterone cited that it has greater anabolic effect on contractile proteins than synthetic anabolic steroids themselves.

The Ideal Dosage Protocol

D-Bal Max’s ideal dosage protocol is a subject of debate. While users recommend the three capsules daily routine, there are people who use more. Some use half of that and still get results.

So, it boils down to how the supplement works for you. You have the option to take three capsules approximately 45 minutes after your workout. A single bottle contains 90 pills, which are enough to last for 30 days. Ideally, you should use the supplement for three months at least to gain the full benefits.

D-Bal Max Reviews – Real Customers Feedback

D-Bal Max has quickly overtaken D-Bal as the number one selling legal steroid and there are plenty of users on messaging boards and forums sharing their real life experiences with D-Bal max.

We scraped the length and breadth of the internet to find some real reviews for you. As expected, the supplement has a lot of positive feedback from both, men and women, across a wide range of demographics.

The majority of these are 5-star reviews. A very limited number of people left lower ratings saying that the product did not meet their expectations. These were bodybuilders who have used a blend of different synthetic hormones all their lives. Think of the guys with 18” biceps that you see on stage. A few of them were disappointed that D-Bal Max didn’t stand up to their inflated expectations.

Most users who D-Bal Max for even one week, notice a difference in their energy levels and muscle size. Here’s a look at some of the top real D-Bal Max reviews.

Craig T. Vargas – I am a hard gainer and have tried every trick under the sun.  Finally, it was with D-Bal Max that I gained 9 lb. over a 12-week span. My shoulders have just exploded in size and I also trimmed down on the waist. I am now considering stacking D-Bal max with an HGH supplement for some real muscle.

Lucy C. Bonham – In just six weeks, I gained 14 lbs. I was throwing on plates on the bar every time I was lifting and the recovery times were reduced greatly. You can almost feel the energy in your body and you also notice a marked improvement in your intensity during your compound lifts.

Many other D-Bal Max users have left amazing reviews backed with before and after pictures. One of the best things is that not a single side effect has been reported by anyone who has tried it.

The Best D-Bal Max Alternative & Some Stacking Options

What would be a possible alternative for something as strong as D-Bal Max? Well, sorry to break it to you. But D-Bal Max has no competition. Those Dynamite Shaped Bottles are one of a kind.

But, if you want to explore other equally potent legal steroids for mass building, we recommend Anadrole and HGH-X2!

  • Anadrole – (Anadrol Alternative)

Anadrole, designed to work like Anadrol is possibly a good choice. Most bodybuilders will either choose Dianabol or Anadrol. It’s a toss-up between the two. Similarly, it’s a tossup between D-Bal Max and Anadrole.

  • HGH-X2 – (Somatropin Alternative)

HGH-X2 will skyrocket your natural Growth Hormone pulses, allowing your body to heal at an unprecedented rate. Some added perks are better skin and hair, as well as smoother joints. Click here for HGH-X2 full review.

Any Potential Side Effects?

Side effects are what distinguish D-Bal Max from the real anabolic steroid, Dianabol.

D-Bal Max is 100% side-effect free. There are thousands of consumers who have used it safely.  Do you want to know the side effects of Dianabol in comparison? Here’s an overview.

  • Stops your natural testosterone production (You might want to try testosterone alternative)
  • High blood pressure
  • Severe liver toxicity, Jaundice, and permanent liver scarring
  • Hair loss (on scalp)
  • Water retention
  • Bitch tits or gynecomastia

In comparison, D-Bal Max is completely safe.

D-Bal Max Review – Final Verdict

d-bal max reviews

D-Bal Max is hands down, the most popular Dianabol alternative in the supplements industry now.

Here’s a quick summary of what we have covered so far.

D-Bal Max has the following advantages-

  • Extreme Muscle Gains in short time spans
  • Massive strength surges
  • 100% Legal and Safe
  • Natural Ingredients Only
  • 100% Discreet packaging so that no one knows your secret sauce
  • No Side Effects
  • Fast & Free worldwide shipping

D-Bal Max will unleash the Hulk within you. It will help you surpass all your previous best lifts and help you become the biggest that you’ve ever been in your life. Due to some fake negative reviews, the company has recently announced that D-Bal Max will come with a 60-day money back guarantee.

So, in the rarest of rare events that D-Bal Max doesn’t work for you, you can claim a refund. We believe that they cannot sweeten the deal anymore, can they? Try D-Bal Max today and watch your body transform in days.

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